Bagaimana jika pencetakan 3D 100x lebih cepat? | Joseph DeSimone

Apa yang kami anggap sebagai pencetakan 3D, kata Joseph DeSimone, sebenarnya hanyalah pencetakan 2D berulang kali … perlahan. Di atas panggung di TED2015, ia memperkenalkan teknik baru yang berani — terinspirasi, ya, oleh Terminator 2 — yang 25 hingga 100 kali lebih cepat, dan menciptakan bagian yang halus dan kuat. Bisakah itu akhirnya membantu memenuhi janji pencetakan 3D yang luar biasa? TEDTalks adalah podcast video harian tentang pembicaraan dan pertunjukan terbaik dari Konferensi TED, di mana para pemikir dan pelaku terkemuka dunia memberikan ceramah tentang kehidupan mereka dalam 18 menit (atau kurang). Cari ceramah tentang Teknologi, Hiburan, dan Desain — plus sains, bisnis, isu global, seni, dan banyak lagi. Temukan teks tertutup dan terjemahan terjemahan dalam banyak bahasa di Ikuti berita TED di Twitter: Sukai TED di Facebook: Berlangganan saluran kami: .


48 thoughts on “Bagaimana jika pencetakan 3D 100x lebih cepat? | Joseph DeSimone

  1. Injection in mold its best one of processing ever mutsh faster and mutsh garantie the quality

  2. This guy was like the Steve Jobs of 3d printing… doing a show on stage to present a product..

  3. Parts look like crap, they specifically choose parts wiht out large flat faces because there absolutely is what appear to be layers on surfaces. Not saying part is made this way but all surfaces show lines, nothing is smooth. Compared to SLA or SLS the surface finish is garbage. We just got 3 parts from them made in RPU70.

  4. the new methos look nice and game changer for 3D printing but look like no one sell it and if one wich is CARBON 3D printer is 25.000$/year. for that price i contract a 5 axis CNC machine.

  5. Release the patent and help the tech evolve, or become forgotten for your contribution to the technology by making it prohibitively expensive to make a quick buck.

  6. Watching this now feels like going back in time to see a now commonplace technology before it became common

  7. But what is 2D printing? How thin is the surface to be considered "2D"? An atom? An electron? Half of a neutron?…. Well, obviously 2D only exists in computers and virtual worlds because everything in reality is 3D.

  8. How has this not gone mainstream yet?? This is now Sci-Fi becoming Sci-Fact 😮

  9. It's saddening that this was / is closed source. The huge boom of 3D Printing post-FDM being open sourced shows the possibilities. I hope they reconsider one day.

  10. This guy it partially correct but the print time would not be hours for a a lattice

  11. Where is this technology now after nearly 6 years? It seems to me this machine was kind of ready, however 6 years passed, and you cannot hear anything about these. We have similar with liquid resin, but not even near to 25 – 100 times faster.

  12. The person who invented this stands to make a lot of money but the left would punish him or her with higher taxes for their innovative ideas.

  13. since childhood, I always dreamed of an advanced machine, which could make pretty much anything I tell it to make, it would have all the elements and compounds stored in it. I want a gun or a burger. I just have to push a few buttons. this kind of thing could make humans to survive anywhere in the universe. just a childhood dream, don't go all crazy scientist critic.

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