Tutorial Desain Grafis: Desain Tipografi & Art Direction pt. 1

Apa yang membuat tipe, tata letak, dan desain bagus? Bagaimana Anda bisa mengarahkan seorang desainer dalam hal tipografi. Apakah ada contoh atau tutorial mengkritik tipografi untuk sesuatu yang banyak jenisnya? Dengan peluncuran majalah surat kabar baru yang berfokus pada bisnis desain, Chris duduk bersama lulusan Art Center, Minye, untuk membahas beberapa tata letak. Tonton episode klasik dari The Futur ini, dan pelajari tentang arah seni, tipografi, dan desain tata letak. #Typography #Layout #GraphicDesign === Subscribe: Lihat channel utama kami: #TheFutur Ingin menyelam lebih dalam? Kursus Tipografi, Huruf, Penjualan & Pemasaran, Media Sosial, dan Bisnis Desain tersedia di sini: Jika Anda seorang pemula, pertimbangkan untuk mengambil salah satu kursus dasar Adobe Creative Cloud ini dari teman-teman kami di Bring Your Own Laptop: — Cintai kontennya ? Menjadi anggota pendukung dengan $5/bln hari ini. Produk dan Daftar Buku yang kami rekomendasikan: Kit & Proposal: Kunjungi situs web kami: Sumber GRATIS: Subtitle Mandarin (Cina) di UiiUii — LINK AFILIASI* 🙏 Dukung The Futur tetapi beli melalui tautan afiliasi kami: Amazon: Webflow: Retro Supply Co.: Creative Market : Potongan Desain: ️ Pertajam keterampilan Anda dengan mengikuti kursus, menggunakan tautan afiliasi kami: Skillshare: School of Motion: Bawa Laptop Anda Sendiri Tutorial: Apakah Anda menyukai musiknya? Lihat perpustakaan musik yang kami gunakan di tautan afiliasi kami di bawah ini: Epidemic Sound: Musicbed: Artlist: *Dengan melakukan pembelian melalui salah satu tautan afiliasi kami, kami menerima komisi yang sangat kecil tanpa biaya tambahan untuk Anda. Ini membantu kami dalam misi kami untuk memberikan pendidikan berkualitas kepada Anda. Terima kasih. — Podcast Futur di iTunes: Spotify: — Kami senang menerima surat Anda. Kirim ke sini: The Futur c/o Chris Do 1702 Olympic Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90404 USA — Host– Chris Do Content Director– Matthew Encina Cinematographers– Mark Contreras, Stewart Schuster, Aaron Szekely, Ricky Lucas, Jona Garcia Editors– Mark Contreras, Stewart Schuster, Aaron Szekely, Ricky Lucas, Editor Langsung Jona Garcia – Tim Sosial Jona Garcia– Elle Money, Alex Burlui Futur Musik Tema – Adam Sanborne Jenis huruf: Futura, DIN, Helvetica Neue, Lagu tema Kaliber Futur— Adam Sanborne .


42 thoughts on “Tutorial Desain Grafis: Desain Tipografi & Art Direction pt. 1

  1. This is eye opening. For someone who cares a little bit much on powerpoint presentations, I loved this one.

  2. what if your colleagues don't listen to your advices and opinions and think that it's not good?

  3. I love this concise, critic, I wish he was my boss or my mentor💯, thank you for sharing

  4. Yup, smothering creativity at it`s finest just to pull rank. The dude's going into it with the sick mindset of "I gotta find shit to critique" even if it's not there.

  5. 2:49 the text in the bottom right are italian words completely random that if you will know you laugh a lot

  6. Ngl I learned a lot through this walk through; not only through the design aspect, but logic wise as-well. Definitely helpful. Thanks

  7. Its nice to actually hear feedback then when a creative director just says "I don't like it" and you have to pull out of them what they don't like. Enjoy the content very much.

  8. What is the trick achieving the design that you are describing? But still to remain editable.. 001 if I want to write anything else in the future. Is there any option in InDesign for a transparent text inside its own bg?

  9. I tasked myself to watch each and every video on this channel and I'm excited about that journey <3

  10. 2:30 Easts his own words and tells designer what’s to do rather than art direct, might as well grab the mouse and keyboard and make the changes

  11. I think because of how her boss complained about every design she made, the girl quit her job after shooting of this video.

  12. Nah cause I want this, all feedback should be this critical and beneficial. sends a link to his tutor

  13. This video is a gem of The Futur. I would LOVE to see more critiques around projects, no matter the type of work. Is really helping me understand type, and art direction a little better each time I watch it

  14. The professor i wish i had… super comprehensive and full of advices, instead of just saying "it doesen't work"

  15. I'm a design manager and must incorporate a lot of creative direction into my work and sometimes the imposter syndrome or worry that I am taking away designer autonomy can be really heavy – thank you for this video, it helps to see someone giving similar feedback with such compassion and confidence. It shows how much it can empower the designer vs demoralise them.

  16. We all deserve a boss like that. The girl was super talented. I could never come up with so many layout designs like that.

  17. Now I've seen myself like him but giving advice about conscripts and other worldbuilding content instead!

  18. Opened up my mind for some new compositions, and helped me solve some issues I felt weird during production from time to time. Great video. Thank you very much.

  19. Great and very usable feedback for the designer sitting there. I miss who has directed her better to 2 or 3 options, because there were too many proposals IMO.

  20. @21:04 I like the circle effect and something I noticed is the white lines behind the circle could've been cut out of the circle therefore giving the circle a more imprinted in the photos type of effect

  21. How do I tell my boss to be more like Chris without actually telling him to be more like Chris

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