Tutorial Desain UI – Situs Web Dari Wireframe

Merencanakan situs web sebelum membangunnya sama dengan mengatakan ukuran dua kali, potong sekali. Prototyping adalah cara untuk melakukan hal ini. Ketika kami mendesain situs web kami, kami berkembang dari wireframing, prototyping, dan akhirnya, desain penuh. Dalam tutorial ini Anda akan mempelajari apa sebenarnya arti Prototyping dan seperti apa bentuknya. Anda akan melihat proses lengkap mengambil prototipe awal dan gambar rangka dan membuat situs web. Video dari Adrian Twarog. Lihat saluran YouTube-nya: Pelajari cara membuat gambar rangka di video pertama dalam seri ini: — Belajar membuat kode gratis dan mendapatkan pekerjaan pengembang: Baca ratusan artikel tentang pemrograman: Dan berlangganan video baru tentang teknologi setiap hari :


34 thoughts on “Tutorial Desain UI – Situs Web Dari Wireframe

  1. Hope you all enjoy this. Looking at doing color theory and continuing this project in the next one. If you enjoy this content, make sure you check out #freeCodeCamp as they have heaps of great learning material on their website too!

  2. your soo cool thank you to share your knowledge in web design i learned a lot…. more power to you bro!

  3. UI designer must code that or not? Learning only UI (graphic only) make any sense? Or i must be UI/UX?

  4. What if i have done half of my work via sketch and now i want to switch to figma, is it possible to switch and continue from where i left or do i need to do the whole thing again?

  5. hey I noticed you didn't know this but if you select an element then hold alt and hover around on other elements, the spacing will show up, can be useful when try to measure equal spacings/padings.

  6. Um, this isn't a prototype, this is just a another wireframe. The kind we typically start with. The lone he started with we either dont do it or we use it instead of this. Prototypes actually work. That means the links work, the animations work, slide shows work, forms are built in (not fully functional at this point, but actual forms not just white boxes. etc To further illustrate this note that Bootstrap is a "prototyping framewok" meaning prototypes and made with CSS. HTML and Javascript. Not everything works properly but it will resize etc.

  7. I am a data analysis instructor i want to connect with data analysis intructors

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