Dasar-dasar breakpoint dan desain responsif di Webflow — tutorial desain web

Dalam pelajaran ini, Anda akan belajar: 1. Menata gaya situs Anda di berbagai breakpoint yang berbeda 2. Menambahkan breakpoint yang lebih besar 3. Menskalakan kanvas 4. Mengganti gaya di berbagai breakpoint yang berbeda 5. Menghapus gaya override 6. Menguji responsivitas dan fluiditas Baca di blog: Langkah-langkah dalam video: 00:00 – Pendahuluan 00:43 – Gaya melintasi titik henti sementara 05:38 – Tambahkan titik henti sementara 08:04 – Skala kanvas 11:39 – Ganti gaya 12:44 – Hapus gaya 14:33 – Uji responsivitas dan fluiditas ———- Memulai dengan Webflow: .


39 thoughts on “Dasar-dasar breakpoint dan desain responsif di Webflow — tutorial desain web

  1. I have experienced a common type of situation in which I have two columns, text on the left side and an image on the right side. Switching to the mobile breakpoint it drops the right column down. But I really would like to have the image on top. So I duplicate that column and disable it on desktop and only enable it on mobile. I change the order of the columns and then my image appears on top. My question: Is there a more efficient way to create a responsive column that drops the column you want to drop?
    On the column settings you can easily change it from multiple columns to one column on smaller displays, but not the order of the columns. I think it would be a nice feature to have it there.

  2. This is quite possible the most annoying thing on whole Webflow. Why it won't just apply to all breakpoints itself? For my whole website I had to put things manually, cause nothing I tried worked to apply to all views at the same time…

  3. Somehow, whenever I remove a grid column or row, they remains visible (greyed out when editing and visible when viewing the page), unlike in this vid where they immediately disappear. Anybody any thoughts on this?

  4. Great stuff! You guys are doing things right!! Lots of content surrounding the product is great!!

  5. for overriding styles, can we make paragraphs be different on different break points

  6. This is such a joy to watch! And highly useful as well! Thanks man 😀

  7. Can anyone help
    I used a long headline in the hero section like "Hi I'm Mayank". It looks fine in the laptop view but as I switched to tablet view it shows "Hi I'm" in one line and "Mayank" in the second line. Now If I put together "I'm Mayank" in the second line in tablet view, it is also changing in laptop view. What am I missing here?

  8. When I remove a column for mobile view as shown at 4:36, it just auto generates a column anyway and it doesn't change what it looks like. This is only for one grid I have, for another it works perfectly. Any fix?

  9. Do you think he just happens to read books that are only white and grey in colour? Because that's what it seems like

  10. please add NES breakpoint, thnx 👍🏽 also LET ME CHANGE THE BASE/ PRIMARY BREAKPOINT PLZ

  11. Perfectly explained video as usual. I am really considering to start using Webflow. What I have noticed throughout all the videos on the channel is that there is none on search bar and how to, for example, filter things (e.g. movies) through the search bar. I would appreciate, and probably Webflow community, if you could do one in depth video on that?

  12. So is it possible to change the actual layout of the page based on the different breakpoints,
    because once you move something through the navigation it moves on all screen sizes.

    For example if I wanted to have the side bar at the side but then want it at the top would I be able to do without CSS grid and and manually manipulate it for different breakpoints.

  13. Hi , please what if we did a lot of changes on tablet and we want to apply them on a laptop ? how can we did this without remake all the changes one by one

  14. I love these Tutorials! Very educational and hilarious at the same time! 😂👍

  15. Would be awesome if we could display different content for different sized devices rather than only be able to make changes to style and sizing.

  16. I am loving the tutorials! Love the learning process, the Narrator has made the learning curve As smooth as possible

  17. This video is great even if you don't use Webflow and just want to understands responsive design. Awesome humour, full of useful information. Please make a tutorial about how to make tutorials once! 🙂

  18. It seems really annoying to manage COMBO classes across different breakpoints, and I can't find any tutorials from WF that address this type of styling method

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