Percetakan | Film Lengkap | David Burke | Richard Rupp | Edward Panosian | Lonnie Polson | Bob Jones

Ketika prinsip-prinsip Kristen menjadi tidak dapat diterima secara sosial dan masyarakat bergerak untuk menindasnya, apa yang akan dilakukan orang-orang Kristen? Saksikan Uni Soviet — sebelum jatuhnya Komunisme – dalam drama yang baru saja dibuat ulang ini. Ketakutan akan KGB melingkupi masyarakat. Iman Kristen dilumpuhkan di mana pun ia ditemukan. Kebanyakan orang percaya berpegang teguh pada cangkang kosong Kekristenan yang ditoleransi di gereja-gereja “terdaftar”. Namun, beberapa orang percaya memilih untuk tetap “tidak terdaftar”, menyembah Tuhan secara terbuka dan menerima konsekuensinya. Sedikit yang berani berani mencetak Alkitab—tepat di depan mata KGB. Cerita ini tentang mereka. Drama sejarah penting ini menyoroti era perang dingin dan mengingatkan kita pada penderitaan orang Kristen yang dianiaya di seluruh dunia saat ini. Pemeran: David Burke, Richard Rupp, Edward Panosian, Lonnie Polson, Bob Jones.


42 thoughts on “Percetakan | Film Lengkap | David Burke | Richard Rupp | Edward Panosian | Lonnie Polson | Bob Jones

  1. What a sad and frustrating movie. Those people were not hurting anyone but seemed kind and believed in their cause. Hitler confiscated the bibles too. Wonder what makes that book such a threat to such evil people Wonder why they crucified Jesus. He seemed kind too and didn’t harm anyone. Strange world

  2. I wonder how long it will be until this happens in the US. Probably immediately after the Rapture, which is immanent.

  3. My mom was a extra in this! Barely see her in the outdoor church scene. Also know the General's(Bob Jones Jr) great grandson and great great grandchildren. Our pastor knew him personally. Always wished I could have met him.
    To answer some questions: it is a fictional account based on true stories. Mostly filmed in Wisconsin at a college there. Some where filmed right in Greenville. Mom said it was pretty hot filming in the heavy winter clothes for the 3 days they took for the scene.

  4. Wonderful movie..God bless you all brothers and sisters in Jesus.
    My son play hockey. I hope he can use his skate on the Jesus's purpose like these kids and people.

  5. “Pawns will be pawns; and many many are less than pawns in the Eyes of God!”“Pawns will be pawns; and many many are less than pawns in the Eyes of God!”

  6. Oh Deus… livra-nos disso! Mas se não, dá-nos Tua Graça para sermos fieis até a morte!

  7. I loved the quote “ and now whisper to me , who is the greater fool ? Awesome movie

  8. It is only the ungodly who fear the Truth! Otherwise, they would not prevent people from printing it. We must remember, this movie was made 31 years ago; it's far worse today. Jesus CHRIST is the Son of the Living GOD, and HE is coming back to this earth to establish HIS kingdom! It's only a matter of time.

  9. Question..are you 'trying'?.. to dissuade people from people wanting to view this video with ALL those ads, at the beginning right up to the middle of this miove?… just a question..because it sure seems that way.

  10. Thank you so much for putting out this movie. I have been looking for it on Youtube to share it, but could not find it until now. I am planning to watch it with some friends this weekend!!! God bless you all! God be glorified!!!

  11. Father Cristobel survived A Flame in the Wind. This is part of a shared universe.

  12. Which bible is ture words of god ?
    I only know kjv bible is ture words of god

  13. He had to promise not to print Bibles. In Alberta there is a pastor in jail because he wouldn’t promise to stop preaching according to government regulations!

  14. Genesis 2:2&3. And Exodus 20:8-11. Jesus is our example. This day of rest is a bible principle. Satan attempts to usurp worship due only to our Creator. The day we rest is who we worship. Come out of her my people. Sun day is a pagan tradition of ancient rome. And the last day deception. This is the last test. Sun day observance by force of law will soon be presented as the solution for all the world’s ills. Our choice is part of the judgement. Then the seven last plagues. And Jesus’ triumphant return for His commandment keeping remnant church. The Truth will cost everything. 🌿

  15. The last test is on Genesis 2:2&3 God NEVER changes. He reminds us in the fourth commandment. Exodus 20:8-11 and Exodus 31:12-18. Sun day observance is not biblical. It’s the deception Jesus warns us about. Sun day is from ancient pagan rome. The day we rest from our labor is who we worship. Come out of her my people 🌿

  16. Yeshua and s going forward Zeck 14 Feast of Tabernacles 3x referred to as HIS High annual Sabbaths 3x prophetic ch still relevant both Jew and gentile NOT going backward NO more Canninite ( KJV) not trader / merchant person ( but pagan traditions Xmas/ easter bunnies etc) Not left to socialistic- authestic – dictorship NOT right ( captialism NOT free-enterprise makes capital more important than people ) 1 403 472 8683

  17. Is this David Burke, the Dr. Watson of Sherlock Holmes of 80's TV serial???

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