Desain Grafis Awal: Tata Letak & Komposisi

Dalam video ini, Anda akan mempelajari dasar-dasar tata letak dan komposisi dalam desain grafis. Kunjungi untuk pelajaran berbasis teks kami. Video ini berisi informasi tentang lima prinsip dasar tata letak dan komposisi, yang meliputi: • Kedekatan • Ruang putih • Penjajaran • Kontras • Pengulangan Kami harap Anda menikmatinya! .


42 thoughts on “Desain Grafis Awal: Tata Letak & Komposisi

  1. Learned a lot! Didn't realize that some of my habits were actually good practice, good to know!

  2. Can we appreciate how clean the art style is! and how high quality all of it is!! 🙂

  3. Having jumped into "Layout and Design" for a school class, it's nice to know that I got most things right!
    My use of hierarchy could use some more improvement, but thanks to your team I now know!

    Thanks for these wonderfully informative, and concise videos!

  4. A short video with good animation and well synced voice over. The principles are enough explained.

  5. I never knew this can be learned. I always thought, you either have it or you don’t.

    I don’t believe that anymore. after watching this video. Thank you

  6. Interesting and informative. BTW, could you please suggest the best application to make use of this effectively? Many thanks for sharing this wonderful video. Best regards, Nassa

  7. How can Anyone Dislike such clear and easy to understanding Informative video ???🤔🤔🤔


  8. Drop-in from gamedev industry, thank you so much for these… I guess it takes a TON of time, experience and knowledge to put such a rich in detail and knowledge video and animations together. Thanks a million!!!

  9. Thank you. I'm not a graphic designer but I wanna study these. I will binge-watch all your videos.

  10. Ma'am, it will be really helpful if you can kindly share the name of the software you use to make these amazing videos.?
    Thank you

  11. Basically, they take intuitive common sense for graphic design and break it down to the why and how with visual animation & examples…amazing.

  12. Very informative video. It literally explains everything i learned in the first year of the university.

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