Tutorial UI Flutter – [ PART 1 ] Mendesain Desain UI Aplikasi Perjalanan | Dribbble Eksplorasi UI

#Flutter #Travel #App #UIDesign #Dribbble #Holiday #Destination Hai semuanya, saya @Abdul Aziz Ahwan . Dalam video ini, kita akan belajar Flutter dari dasar dengan praktik terbaik. Yang mana kita akan membuat Dribbble Desain UI Aplikasi Perjalanan Modern. Di bagian ini, kita akan mengimplementasikan banyak widget dan konsep, seperti Stack, Flutter SVG, ClipRRect, Backdrop Filter, ImageFilter, Google Fonts, Custom Widget, dan masih banyak lagi. GABUNG KURSUS FLUTTER Bangun aplikasi yang nyata dan responsif! (Portofolio, E-commerce, Crypto App, Budget Tracker) Kursus ini dirancang untuk pengembang pemula hingga menengah yang ingin membangun masa depan mereka dengan Flutter Bagian 1 Bagian 2 Kredit Desain UI oleh Icha Mawaddah Febriyana, cek di Dribbble Link Selamat menonton! @Flutter Timestamp BUY ME A COFFEE Link JOIN MY DISCORD Link Semoga Anda menyukai video ini. Saya sangat berterima kasih jika Anda ingin menekan tombol berlangganan. Terima kasih Pertanyaan Bisnis: helloabdulazizahwan@gmail.com ———————————- DAFTAR PUTAR LAINNYA Flutter Tautan Praktik Terbaik Desain UI Tautan Tutorial Flutter Firebase CRUD Tutorial Flutter – Dasar [EN]
Tautan Tautan Tutorial Android Studio Tautan Tutorial Visual Studio ———————————- PAKET UNTUK INI PROYEK – flutter_svg: ( – google_fonts: ( – smooth_page_indicator: ( – cached_network_image ( PROJECT FILE Tautan Kode Pemula Flutter Proyek Akhir Flutter BAGIAN 1 BAGIAN 2 —————– —————– GEAR LIST Acer Swift 3 SF314-54G-51ZK Canon EOS M50 15-45mm IS STM Logitech C922 Pro Webcam Mikrofon Clip-On BOYA BY-M1 ———————————- BERLANGGANAN SAYA Di Sini ———– ———————– FOLLOW Twitter Github Blog Saya —————— —————- Terima kasih telah Menonton! #Android #Java #Kotlin #Swift #Basic .


31 thoughts on “Tutorial UI Flutter – [ PART 1 ] Mendesain Desain UI Aplikasi Perjalanan | Dribbble Eksplorasi UI

  1. bang izin bertanya sebelumnya saya sangat bersyukur ada orang indonesia buat tutorial sekeren ini. cara biar emulatornya gk ke tab dan tetep ada walaupun kita ke bagian vscode kaya gimana bang?, dan kalo bisa bang buat sub indonya agar orang yang kurang paham english bisa ngerti, terimakasih

  2. please show the preview after each change so that beginners can understand which widget is taking effect, press save after each change so that it can be seen on the emulator, please use powerful tool hot restart

  3. For those who RoundedRectangleTabIndicator() doesn't work in code, go to the widgets open the new dart file(custom_tab_indicator) then copy the below source code put inside and should be fine

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

    class RoundedRectangleTabIndicator extends Decoration {

    final BoxPainter _painter;


    {required Color color, required double weight, required double width})

    : _painter = _RRrectanglePainterColor(color, weight, width);


    BoxPainter createBoxPainter([VoidCallback? onChanged]) => _painter;


    class _RRrectanglePainterColor extends BoxPainter {

    final Paint _paint;

    final double weight;

    final double width;

    _RRrectanglePainterColor(Color color, this.weight, this.width)

    : _paint = Paint()

    ..color = color

    ..isAntiAlias = true;


    void paint(Canvas canvas, Offset offset, ImageConfiguration cfg) {

    final Offset customOffset = offset +

    Offset(cfg.size!.width / 2 – (width * 0.5), cfg.size!.height – weight);

    Rect myRect = customOffset & Size(width, weight);

    RRect myRRect = RRect.fromRectXY(myRect, weight, weight);

    canvas.drawRRect(myRRect, _paint);



  4. how can i get the recommended model file ??
    nd why the RoundedRectangleTabIndicator() doesn't work in my version

  5. Hiii bung, I can't find custom widgets 'RoundedRectangleTabIndicator' in the latest version of flutter. Please answer

  6. 16:15 how to get image from unsplash to our app?
    Because i already put that in but it's not working.😔😔

  7. Sir my app is not taking image from unsplash.what i need to do?
    Please help me.

  8. Thanks. But, i think, no one does that, because customer must be a confirm your design before development

  9. Hello… I am new to development. Once I download the starter code, how do I open it within Android Studio? Thank You!

  10. Hi , Which flutter version you work with in this project ? , I run your app wit Flutter stable, 1.20.4 , it's not working with flutter svg library .

  11. Very amazing video bro, please what's the name of the emulator u used in this video

  12. Thanks for the awesome tutorial….Can you consider to include the change of images on tab change (Recommended to Popular) with a spinner via api calls.

  13. mas mau nanya dong, knp height, width, padding dll pake angka yg gk bulet? apakah ada rumus nya kah?

  14. Nice tutorial! , visit my channel i make tutorials like that .. let's support each other

  15. You don't reply comments that i sent you to your other tutorials video's 😢….please teacher how can i get the model's folder

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