Panduan Pemula Utama untuk Pencetakan 3D – Bagian 1

VERSI TERBARU dari video ini: Tonton bagian 2: Dalam video ini saya membahas semua aspek pencetakan 3d untuk pemula! Bergabunglah dengan perselisihan komunitas: ________________________________________________ Produk Pencetakan 3D Luar Biasa (Tautan Afiliasi): Gearbest: FilamentOne: Slice Engineering: ________________________________________________ Kunjungi situs web saya: Ikuti saya di Instagram – Ikuti saya di Twitter – Printer 3D Luar Biasa: ~$180 Creality3D Ender-3: ~$360 Creality3D CR-10: ~$460 Creality3D CR-10S: ~$390 Creality3D CR-10 Mini: Musik oleh David Cutter Musik – Musik Intro oleh Said The Sky .


42 thoughts on “Panduan Pemula Utama untuk Pencetakan 3D – Bagian 1

  1. I have bought my first 3D printer,I want to make a model of a 3D mold I have made of a hand with a syringe for the phlebotomist I work with as a prize.I am looking forward to learning.

  2. Thanks for the over view, I am about to purchase my first 3D printer and wanted some more info. Will they work with 3D scanner’s?

  3. Im just 16 and love Axis and Allies (war board game) I want to print out extra pieces, add a few of my own, and update some of the little tokens that come with it! Im interested in a small scale 3D printing setup but i can see myself poring a couple thousand into it a year, any suggestions?

  4. I had to write gcode by hand for a college clssss it is quite the pain in the ass

  5. Ok so video helps me some, good information. Don’t understand support, if I am creating say a bread board for proto typing, it’s a relatively flat surface, do I need support? Will I get the holes for components or will I have to clean each out? What is used for support, can you give me some examples where and how it is used, I understand from video what it does , supports item printed.

  6. Currently saving up for a 3d printer myself and i plan on making a halloween costume like a sword imma make a sword for my costume and its gopnna be really cool this really helped me understand a bit more about how to 3d print, this was vey helpful 🙂

    – from that one stupid 10 year old who named himself terraria God

  7. I would like to learn more. But I dont know where to start. I have a desktop computer. I just need help with files creation and the kind of printer which is best suited for me. Can you help?

  8. Thank you so much! I mostly just want to print my ideas or concepts for the future in a smaller scale to test them, and this has bin a great introduction. Thank you again.

  9. I’m a beginner to 3d printing~~
    I’ll try to print a 1/8 Back to the future Delorean ~~

  10. Tech is moving so fast at first I over looked this but this is honestly incredible and mins blowing how far print has come

  11. Great video but the mouth noises and driving me nuts back the microphone away from your mouth!

  12. Hi. Merry Xmas from Brazil. Here I am starting to study about 3d prosthetics to pets

  13. Excellent information for someone interested in learning how to 3d print. I'm off to watch part 2, but have a question if you still reply. I want to 3d print something large, the size of a king size bed, once I practice and learn a whole lot more. Is this something that could even be possible with the 3d printers available to normal people or would i need to grab one of the 12,000 dollar printers ive been finding on searches? Thanks!

  14. Hi just subscribed. The time went by so fast I already noticed that that's how interesting it was. I'm 63 and not really computer literate but with some help I think I could do this and what I want to print is stuff I've been watching online as well with flight test. Flight test is a company that makes a variety of foam board airplanes and their experimenting with 3D printed airplanes which are awesome cool. So that's what I'm going to try to learn to do and I'm pretty excited. Anyways thank you very much and we'll be watching part 2 shortly bye-bye. John from Canada

  15. Does anyone know where I can find the part file for the nested dodecahedron at the beginning of the video?

  16. Full text to the sender to be sent directly from eBay or eBay or by email is not liable to be made add to your email address as the item

  17. Hmm.. I thought if you have the picture of the model item you want to print then you can 3d print it.

  18. Do you have a file for the rotor and brake caliber in the beginning of this video?

  19. I'm planning to use a 3D printer to make new jacks, tongues, and plectra for my harpsichord.

  20. Best training Video I have ever seen, excellent communicator , simplified explanations, advice, nicely paced video. Well done.

  21. I'm interested in purchasing a 3d printer but don't have a laptop or computer, should I invest in one?

  22. That was very informative. Thank you. I'm just checking out what 3 D printing is about . Your video was well made and makes the process easy to understand.

  23. Haha. Nice video. Thank you! FDM = Fused Deposition Modeling (as in the layers are ‘fused’ together). Yes. I know. I’m anal.

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